About Us


Betty Jones

Betty was instructed in the technique of Meditation at age 19. This was a conscious existential experience, the likes of which she never before experienced. She was left speechless in this extraordinary happening.

Over these many years Betty has run many centers of meditation, administratively as well as teaching the technique of meditation.

In 1990 Betty traveled to Switzerland for the purpose of studying Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Ayurveda. Upon returning to the United States, she met Dr. M P Uniyal, who in turn would shape the next 20 years of her life.

Dr. Uniyal, known simply as M P, was a Jyotish Master nonpareil. Betty spent 6 incredibly valuable years under the direct tutelage of this great master, whose father was Jyotish to Guru Dev himself. And M P was Jyotish to Maharishi.

From Betty’s training and personal existential experiences, she is qualified to teach not only meditation, but also what can be extracted from her as one schooled in Jyotish.


Joanie Forest

Joanie was instructed in meditation in July, 1974. In April, 1976, she completed a  six month meditation teacher training course in Europe with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and began teaching meditation over the next ten years, throughout the US East Coast and South.

Joanie became interested in eastern astrology (Jyotish, the Science of Light) in the mid 80’s, and in 1993, she had the rare fortune of meeting the world-renowned Indian astrologer and Vedic scholar, Dr. M P Uniyal, who became her spiritual teacher and astrology mentor. M P encouraged Joanie to study the western or psychological approach to astrology in addition to Jyotish.  In 1999, she moved from the Midwest to Los Angeles with her young son to be closer to M P and more directly involved in her studies with him. For eight years, she continued under his tutelage, until his passing in 2006.

Soon thereafter, Joanie began working closely with Betty Jones, and continues to study the Sacred Science of Vedic Astrology with her. In addition, she assists Betty with the many undertakings and responsibilities of the Saraswati School of Meditation and Wellness.