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Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) is the oldest system of astrology in the world, dating back 4000 years. It’s derived from the Sanskrit word “jyoti” which means light. As the pure light of scientific knowledge, The ancient science of Jyotish uses accurate mathematical calculations to determine the position (past, present, and future) of the heavenly bodies at birth to shed light on the individuals life. The science of Jyotish embraces the whole human being to bring health, happiness and harmony in personal relationships and in the business world. Vedic Astrology is an excellent tool for helping us understand our Dharma or life purpose, as well as giving us specific timetables for making important decisions.

Betty is a Master Vedic Astrologer and offers readings in person or over the phone, both locally and worldwide.