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About Us

``Connecting an understanding of one's place in the Universe is very empowering - that each individual should understand that they are a Universe within themselves. We need to come to know that we are not limited in the obvious way we experience life!``
~Betty Jones

Vedic Meditation Instructor & Vedic Astrologer


Assistant to Betty Jones

An Exceptional Teacher

As a physician specializing in psychiatry, I recognize the physical and mental benefits of meditation, as well as the importance of a skilled and patient instructor. Betty Jones is a truly an exceptional teacher. I have benefited greatly from her teaching, and so have many patients that I have referred to her. I have seen patients benefit in a variety of ways, including anxiety reduction, lower blood pressure, and improved mood.

Troy Goldberg

Life Changing

My life changed immensely, in a very positive way after meeting Betty. She not only taught me how to practice and continually improve my mediation techniques, but she has been a fountain of wisdom, giving me guidance and a positivity in this ever stressful journey we are all on. She was able to help me realize what is really important and how to weave meditation into my life in a seamless fashion. I will be forever indebted to her. Thank you!

Marc Robillard
Singer/ Songwriter